For all aspects of Italian law, our experienced European network of bi-lingual professionals can provide individuals and businesses with a comprehensive and tailored legal service.
Whether you or your business are UK-based or Italy-based, we can assist you with cross-border transactions and personal matters.
FidLaw service covers the following areas:
Commercial and Corporate
General commercial contracts (including sale, lease, agency, buildings, guarantee contracts).
Company law (including partnerships: simple partnership (Società semplice) (Ss), general partnership (Società in nome collettivo) (SNC), limited partnership (Società in accomandita semplice) (SAS); and companies: limited liability company (Società a responsabilità limitata) (SRL), joint stock company (Società per azioni) (SpA), company limited by shares (Società in accomandita per azioni) (SapA).
Private Clients
Family law (including marriage, adoption, personal and proprietary relations between spouses, wills and probate, Italian forced heirship rules).
Immigration Law (including Italian citizenship applications).
Property and possession rights and actions.
Employment law (contentious and non-contentious)