In the last few years, the UK has experienced a marked increase in tax disputes in both civil and criminal cases. We have significant experience assisting clients in dispute resolutions and negotiating agreements with the relevant taxing authority, should they wish to bypass the expense and exposure of litigation; we also have considerable experience in taking disputes to litigation where necessary.
The secret to our success is twofold. Firstly, we exercise unparalleled diligence, assessing facts and evidence with the highest level of care, whether we are dealing with official documents, email reviews, expert witness statements, technical discussions, or negotiations. Secondly, we stand out for our collaborative ethos: our Tax, Disputes and Investigations specialists work closely together, forming an integrated team of experts whose joint capacities allow them to solve all aspects of a case efficiently, smoothly and inventively.
Our team is rich and international, allowing our expertise to span multiple jurisdictions: many of our clients based outside the UK and many of our UK clients operating overseas.